Local offline mirrors with redbean





AT LAST! Got redbean working as a local offline mirror webserver!

Firstly, download redbean. The "original" flavor (no ssl, lua, or sqlite) is enough for this purpose.

Thenly mirror the website. For example, using GNU WGET, the following command will mirror my public wiki-like thing (but nothing up the tree, such as this post), excluding the assets directory. Some of the arguments aren't always necessary, adapt to your own needs.

# --execute robots=false  ignores robots.txt -- do good and not evil!
wget \
  --no-host-directories \
  --user-agent=friendlypersonalarchiver \
  --execute robots=off \
  --mirror \
  --convert-links \
  --wait=2 \
  --random-wait \
  --limit-rate=100k \
  --no-parent \
  --page-requisites \
  -o mirror.log \
  --exclude-directories /wiki/assets/ \
# Also interesting is  --cut-dirs=<n>

Don't actually do this for my capsule, though, it's mighty inefficient! See the following page for that:

Finally, after that's done, change to the wiki directory, ZIP everything up into redbean, make it executable, and run it:

cd siiky.srht.site/wiki/
zip -n: -r -9 -X ../../redbean-original-2.2.com *
cd -
chmod 0700 redbean-original-2.2.com

Now when you go to http://localhost:8080/ you'll be greeted with the wiki's index.html.

Of course I still think one shouldn't need to go through all this hassle... Nonetheless, redbean is fucking awesome!