an interesting tiny nothing here

Random tiny thoughts that don't merit their own full-sized posts.


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2025-03-20 00:11 +0000

This small research effort was not a total loss. I learned of the existence of a very cool instrument for recording the total duration of bright sunshine per day, the Campbell-Stokes sunshine recorder. It is not much more than a large spherical lens which focuses sunlight from anywhere in the sky onto a thin piece of card. When the sun is bright enough, the focussed light burns a hole in the card, in the manner one might have used a magnifying glass to burn paper or even ants as a child. As the sun moves across the sky, so too does the point on the card where its light is focussed, burning a straight-line track. Intermittent periods of heavy cloud cover correspond to breaks in this track. The card is printed with gradations indicating the time of day, so one can translate the presence or absence of burning to when in the day the sun was up and bright and when it wasn't. It's delightfully simple and low-tech, requiring no external source of power and not even having any moving parts! Allegedly they are still in widespread use today. I'm a little sceptical of that claim, but I kind of hope it's true.

Incredible -- added to the reclog!

2025-03-19 23:58 +0000

One thing is certain, the opening song is great. Makes up for some of it.

2025-03-19 23:20 +0000

"Raised by Wolves" S02E01 doesn't start on the right foot... They're chatting about being part of the new colony, and suddenly all turn to face an opening door, without any hint why that happened -- why was the door closed? why is it opening now? For no reason, they take a hike into the middle of the forest -- several kms away, by the looks of it. Tempest is shown enjoying the warm air -- why? -- and Campion decides to pick a random piece of fruity thing and take a bite... What happened to testing foodstuffs before eating it?! All of this in less than a minute.

One other minute or two and Father drops this pearl:

This side of the planet seems less intent on killing our children. [a moment's pause] It's... almost welcoming.

Goddamn, he must be like the Poirot or Holmes of this place, because he just came out of a come or whatever, and the first thing he said was that he was disoriented, didn't know what had happened.

Add to that shitty 3D CGI bullshit, and you got disappointing with disappointing on top. :/

2025-03-11 21:59 +0000

This "Raised by Wolves" S01 ending was soooooo disappointing...

2025-03-07 11:38 +0000

A TV appearance of 遠藤ミチロウ, スタリン's (ex-)lead vocalist!

Only learned today he died on the 2019-04-25... :'(

In the show he gifts a copy of a book collection of the lyrics of all the songs he's written: "遠藤ミチロウ全歌詞集完全版 1980-2006" (maybe ISBN 9784434102165).

2025-03-05 16:53 +0000

Following the other day's tinylog, I'm now giving SimpleX a try.

2025-03-03 20:35 +0000

How many optimists does it take to change a lightbulb? NONE! Their buttler changes the lightbulb.

2025-03-03 15:58 +0000

2025-03-03 11:53 +0000

This is interesting! A chat program that doesn't use global and permanent IDs.

There's an Android client in F-Droid, there are GUI and TUI clients for Linux, and others:

2025-02-18 15:16 +0000

2025-02-11 14:35 +0000

WTH an ad played right at the start of a podcast episode I was going to listen. It was a PT ad for some bullshit hair product (in a non-PT podcast!?!), and at the end she said something like "get over the FOMO and go ahead [buy the thing]" -- what?! Getting over FOMO means the exact opposite of ceding to it!

2025-02-07 11:35 +0000

New pneu album!

"Destination Qualité" is still more to my liking:

2025-01-14 10:54 +0000

2025-01-13 19:24 +0000

The fox still alive after being skinned alive! :'( :'( :'(

2025-01-13 16:11 +0000

Watched "Earthlings" again just now, maybe I shouldn't've...

2025-01-07 09:46 +0000

Castelao finou 75 anos atrás hoxe. Tiña un cancro de pulmón e dores insoportábeis por causa diso. O médico que o trataba decidiu facerlle unha lobotomia para llas amainar, pero nada máis fixo que acelerar a sua morte.

Se [Castelao] ve sorprendido por una dolencia maligna: un cáncer de pulmón (era un gran fumador, se le recuerda siempre con un pitillo en la boca), que acelera su marcha hacia la muerte, ocurrida en el Hospital del Centro Gallego, de Buenos Aires, el 7 de enero de 1950. Sus postreros meses fueron penosos, tan insoportables eran los dolores que el Dr. Sánchez Guisande decide una intervención entonces en boga, una lobotomía, con el fin de atenuar aquellos sufrimientos, pero no hace, en realidad, más que empujarle, previo estado de coma, al fallecimiento.

2025-01-07 00:39 +0000

Es tan cómico leer y escuchar la palabra «pila» en castellano: «en casa tengo una pila de libros pendientes». Si no sabes lo que «pila» quiere decir en Portugués, es como «pilila» o «pito», un término casi infantil -- realmente infatil sería el diminutivo («pilinha»). Sí, quizás tengo la cabeza de un niño de 9 años, ¿y qué?