Set of videos on RISC-V assembly programming.
- addi dst, src, imm -- add immediate
- add dst, src1, src2 -- add
- la reg, addr -- load address
- lw dst, src -- load word (32bit in a 32bit CPU, 64bit in a 64bit CPU, ...)
- lhu dst, src -- load half word unsigned (16bit in a 32bit CPU, 32bit in a 64bit CPU, ...); top half is filled with 0s
- lh dst, src -- load half word (16bit in a 32bit CPU, 32bit in a 64bit CPU, ...); top half is filled with bit 15/31 (in a 32/64bit CPU, resp.), which keeps the sign
- lbu dst, src -- load byte unsigned; top half is filled with 0s
- lb dst, src -- load byte; top half is filled with bit 7, which keeps the sign
- sw src, dst -- store word
- sh src, dst -- store half word
- sb src, dst -- store byte
- j lbl -- jump to label
- jr reg -- jump to address stored in reg
- jal lbl -- jump and link to label
- jalr reg -- jump and link to address stored in reg
- ret -- return from procedure
- mv dst, src -- move
- li reg, imm -- load immediate
- beq reg1, reg2, lbl -- branch equal
- bne reg1, reg2, lbl -- branch not equal
- bltu reg1, reg2, lbl -- branch lesser-than unsigned
- bgtu reg1, reg2, lbl -- branch greater-than unsigned
- bleu reg1, reg2, lbl -- branch lesser-or-equal unsigned
- bgeu reg1, reg2, lbl -- branch greater-or-equal unsigned
- blt reg1, reg2, lbl -- branch lesser-than signed
- bgt reg1, reg2, lbl -- branch greater-than signed
- ble reg1, reg2, lbl -- branch lesser-or-equal signed
- bge reg1, reg2, lbl -- branch greater-or-equal signed
- beqz reg, lbl -- branch equal zero -- equivalent to beq reg, zero, lbl
- bnez reg, lbl -- branch not equal zero -- equivalent to bne reg, zero, lbl
- lui reg, imm -- load upper immediate ("upper" part is the top 20 bits)
- not dst, src -- binary not, flips all bits
- neg dst, src -- negate number, i.e., compute 2's complement
- sll dst, src1, src2 -- shift left logical (ignoring sign) -- dst = src1 << src2
- srl dst, src1, src2 -- shift right logical (ignoring sign) -- dst = src1 >> src2
- sla dst, src1, src2 -- shift left arithmetic (considering sign) -- dst = src1 << src2
- sra dst, src1, src2 -- shift right arithmetic (considering sign) -- dst = src1 >> src2
- slli dst, src, imm -- shift left logical immediate (ignoring sign) -- dst = src << imm
- srli dst, src, imm -- shift right logical immediate (ignoring sign) -- dst = src >> imm
- slai dst, src, imm -- shift left arithmetic immediate (considering sign) -- dst = src << imm
- srai dst, src, imm -- shift right arithmetic immediate (considering sign) -- dst = src >> imm
- sltu dst, src, imm -- set lesser-than unsigned -- dst = src1 < src2
- sgt dst, src1, src2 -- set greater-than -- dst = src1 > src2
- sgei dst, src, imm -- set greater-than immediate -- dst = src >= imm
- Immediate -- no special characters or anything: 123, 0, -42, ...
- Indirect register -- the register name is surrounded by parens, optionally with an immediate byte offset value to the left: (a2), (a3), 32(a1), ...
The RISC-V has no instructions to manipulate the stack specifically, one has to load/store and update the sp in two instructions.
If I'm understanding this right, because of how instructions are encoded (fixed size? as opposed to variable size as in x86), a "load immediate" instruction can't load a full word in a single "command"(?), because each instruction, including its arguments, is encoded as a word (again, if I'm understanding this right).
Because of that, the li instruction must be decomposed in two (generally I suppose; probably by the assembler). For example (assuming rv32):
li a0, 0xABCD0123
Must be something like:
lhi a0, 0x123 # this doesn't actually exist
lui a0, 0xABCD0