Paulo Sérgio Almeida, Carlos Baquero, Victor Fonte, "Interval Tree Clocks"






Abstractly defines clocks where both process IDs and events organically change (grow or shrink) over time, and then gives one possible implementation based on trees.

IDs are formalized in a really neat way. Each node has "permission" to modify/increment only a subset of the events, based on its ID, which is a characteristic function -- i.e., given some event e, ID(e) = 1 if the node can modify/increment e, otherwise ID(e) = 0. To make notation easier on the eyes, bold 0/1 represent the constant functions that always return 0/1. Operations on IDs then use arithmetic notation: e.g. i1+i2 is the same as ∀e:(i1(e)+i2(e)).

Each tuple of an ID tree determines whether a certain node can modify/increment the left/right half of the events tree. For example, a node of ID (0, 1) can only modify/increment the right half, and a node of ID ((1, 0), 0) can only modify/increment the left-most quarter.

Here's are some of the operations that I hacked together (clearly incomplete). As detailed above, note that the numbers 0 and 1 are not integer but functions!

(define null-id 0) ; TODO
(define whole-id 1) ; TODO
(define make-id (constantly null-id))

(define (id-norm id)
    ((and (pair? id)
          (= (car id) null-id)
          (= (cdr id) null-id))
    ((and (pair? id)
          (= (car id) whole-id)
          (= (cdr id) whole-id))
    (else id)))

(define (id-split id)
    ((= id null-id) ; 0
     (values null-id null-id))
    ((= id whole-id) ; 1
     (values `(,whole-id . ,null-id) `(,null-id . ,whole-id)))
    ((= (car id) null-id) ; (0, i)
     (receive (id1 id2) (id-split (cdr id))
       (values `(,null-id . ,id1) `(,null-id . ,id2))))
    ((= (cdr id) null-id) ; (i, 0)
     (receive (id1 id2) (id-split (car id))
       (values `(,id1 . ,null-id) `(,id2 . ,null-id))))
    (else ; (i1, i2)
      (values `(,(car id) . ,null-id) `(,null-id . ,(cdr id))))))

(define (id-sum id1 id2)
    ((= id1 null-id) id2)
    ((= id2 null-id) id1)
      (receive (l1 r1) (values (car id1) (cdr id1))
        (receive (l2 r2) (values (car id2) (cdr id2))
          (id-norm `(,(id-sum l1 l2) . ,(id-sum r1 r2))))))))

(define (make-events-root n) n)
(define events-root? (o not events-node?))
(define (events-root-base n) n)
(define (make-events-node b l r) `(,b ,l . ,r))
(define events-node? pair?)
(define events-node-base car)
(define events-node-left cadr)
(define events-node-right cddr)
(define (events-node-values e)
  (values (events-node-base e) (events-node-left e) (events-node-right e)))

(define ((events-tree-lift/sink op) e m)
  (if (pair? e)
    (receive (b l r) (events-node-values e)
      (make-events-node (make-events-root (op (events-root-base b) m)) l r))
    (make-events-root (op (events-root-base e) m))))
(define events-tree-lift (events-tree-lift/sink +))
(define events-tree-sink (events-tree-lift/sink -))

(define ((events-min/max op) e)
  (if (events-node? e)
    (receive (b l r) (events-node-values e)
      ; If e is normalized, no need to recurse for min, return b
      (+ (events-root-base b)
         (op ((events-min/max op) l) ((events-min/max op) r))))
    (events-root-base e)))
(define events-min (events-min/max min))
(define events-max (events-min/max max))

(define (events-norm e)
  (if (events-node? e)
    (receive (b l r) (events-node-values e)
      (let ((m (min (events-min l) (events-min r))))
        (make-events-node (make-events-root (+ (events-root-base b) m))
                          (events-tree-sink l m)
                          (events-tree-sink r m))))

(define (events-join e1 e2) #f) ; TODO
(define (events-increment e) #f) ; TODO

(define make-clock cons)
(define clock-id car)
(define clock-events cdr)
(define (clock-values c)
  (values (clock-id c) (clock-events c)))

(define (fork c)
  (receive (id e) (clock-values c)
    (values (make-clock (id-fork/l id) e)
            (make-clock (id-fork/r id) e))))

(define (peek c)
  (values c (make-clock null-id (clock-events c))))

(define (event c)
  (receive (id e) (clock-values c)
    (make-clock id (events-increment e))))

(define (join c1 c2)
  (receive (id1 e1) (clock-values c1)
    (receive (id2 e2) (clock-values c2)
      (make-clock (id-join id1 id2) (events-join e1 e2)))))


On P2P networks

How can this apply to/work on a P2P network (e.g. IPFS, BitTorrent, ...) where nodes simply spawn out of thin air, not from other already existing nodes? At first sight I don't see how it can.

How to modify/increment events?

Couldn't understand from reading the paper how this is done... Maybe I didn't pay close enough attention.

Impl based on bitsets/bitvectors

Is an implementation based on a (finite) bitset/bitvector feasible? The invariant would be that the XOR of all the IDs is the whole ID: 0b11111...111. The biggest downside comparing with the tree-based implementation is that processese can't arbitrarily fork if they feel like it; they can only fork if the popcount (# of 1 bits) is greater than 1.

For example, with a cardinal of 4, a process of ID 0b1111 could fork into AT MOST 4 different (concurrent) processes:

1. 0b0001

2. 0b0010

3. 0b0100

4. 0b1000

Or 3 (concurrent) processes:

1. 0b0011

2. 0b1000

3. 0b0100