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The functional paradigm has many advantages over other more common, popular, and "traditional" paradigms, which are more popular to the detriment of the programmers using them, the functional programmers forced to use them, and the world at large, because the functional style is deemed to be complicated, hard to learn, understand, use, and targeted only at academic researchers.
This document will outline the curriculum for an experiment with the end goal of asserting whether the functional paradigm is indeed more difficult to learn, use, or understand, when compared to the imperative/procedural paradigm.
The experiment is somewhat biased towards the functional approach, and after the basic concepts that are common to all paradigms, those concepts that don't actually relate to programming itself, almost all concepts come from the functional world. As such, the imperative style taught will not be idiomatic imperative style, but bent to fit the functional style.
Due to the purpose of the experiment, and the target learners, the languages given as alternatives should satisfy these requisites:
Should be high-level – no knowledge of the inner workings of a computer, of memory, of memory management, etc, should be required to use it effectively – C, C++, and similar are out of the question.
No program structure required – requiring a program in its entirety to live inside an artificial block is insane! – Java, C#, and similar are out of the question.
A REPL is a big plus! It facilitates and encourages experimentation with the language.
A learner's choice of languages must consist of at least one language of each of the paradigms.
For the purpose of the experiment, Haskell will be required. As such, it will be used and assumed throughout this text in examples, due to it being strongly typed and so straightforward in this regard.
Here follow ideas/suggestions for possibly good language options.
Possibly the easiest of the listed imperative languages, used mostly in science. Has lots of magic.
Very simple, small, and fast interpreted language, used a lot on game development and as an embedded language. No magic whatsoever.
The most difficult of the three, but also possibly the fastest, useful for concurrent systems. No magic. The only language of all of the listed in this document with no REPL.
A must due to its type system. Not much magic.
Very simple general-purpose language with advanced meta programming, mainly due to its straightforward syntax. No magic whatsoever.
Powerful language that runs on the BEAM VM, suited for parallel systems, with an actor model for its concurrency model. Brings lots of new features to the Erlang table, including proper modules and modules hierarchy, a decent polymorphic system, meta programming capabilities, and good tooling. Not much magic.
First thing to know about Haskell is that it's strongly typed, which means every value has a type, and the compiler/interpreter enforces these types.
The syntax is similar to notation used in mathematics: an object
x of type A is written x : A; in Haskell it's
written x :: A
. A function f that given an A calculates a B is written f : A → B; in
Haskell it's written f :: A -> B
. And so on…
In many cases Haskell can infer ("guess") the type of some value, so specifying types is mostly optional. In these initial examples we will keep the types explicit, but later we will ignore them, unless there's good reason not to.
The types that we will call basic are types provided by the base language. These vary between languages, but there's usually a set of basic types shared by most programming languages. Here we will cover the most common types that are available to all the languages discussed above.
These are so called atomics because they cannot usally be decomposed in smaller parts. With these alone it's already possible to get a lot out of any programming language.
Nothing to explain here, other than that in computer programming languages it's common for integer numbers to be a distinct type from the non-integer numbers – such as rationals, reals, and complex.
In truth, a computer cannot represent real numbers, only approximations. The details aren't important – just keep in mind that when doing number calculations with reals on a computer, if you get unexpected results, it's very likely for this to be the cause.
The reasons to call non-integer numbers reals are that a computer may still be useful to do calculations on (approximate) reals, and that most programming languages don't have exact rational numbers – they just fake it.
Just what one would expect – some examples:
0 :: Int
-1 :: Int
21 :: Int
42 :: Int
Some languages provide unsigned integer types, i.e., the
naturals (including 0
), non-negative integers.
Mostly what one would expect as well:
0 :: Float
1 :: Float
3.14 :: Float
-6.28 :: Float
1.4142135 :: Float
Notation similar to the scientific notation is also common
on many languages, but the exact notation differs between languages. We
won't be using it in this document, so we won't detail it here. However,
they usually go something like this: 0.1234e5
is the same
as 0.1234 * 105. Check the
official documentation of each language for the exact supported
Used for logic – True
and False
. The exact
words or symbols used in each language varies, but these are common
enough to be good guesses.
Characters are values that may represent a letter, a number, a
symbol, etc, such as: 'a'
, '3'
, etc. Exact details vary wildly between languages too,
so check the language's official documentation.
The most common notation is the one used above – surrounding the
character with a single quote ('
These types are collections of other types, atomic or not, with an order, and they may be empty.
These are sequences of characters. Examples of strings are
, "0 + 1 =
, ""
Although other notations exist, the most common of all is surrounding
the characters of the string with double quotes ("
), like
in the examples above.
This poses a problem, because by using double quotes to denote a
string, makes it impossible to use double quotes themselves inside the
string. To fix this, languages allow programmers to escape
certain specific characters inside a string, by placing a single
backslash (\
) right before the character that's to be
escaped – like this, a string with a single character, the double quote
itself: "\""
; or this:
"And then they said: \"are you gonna escape or
In Haskell, strings are actually just lists of characters, so the following section also applies to strings.
These, in a way, can be thought of as a generalization of strings, but for elements other than characters. If a string is a list or array of characters, or something else entirely, depends on the language. However, such details aren't usually matter for concern.
Again, notation varies wildly between languages, but the most common
among the languages discussed previously (about half of them) is
surrounding the elements with square brackets ([]
), and
separating the elements with commas (,
Some examples follow:
:: [Int]
[] :: [Float]
[] :: [Char]
[]"" :: [Char]
1, 2, -4] :: [Int]
[1, 2, -4] :: [Float]
['h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o'] :: [Char]
['h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o'] :: String
[3.14, -6.28, 1.4142135] :: [Float]
["hello", "there"] :: [[Char]]
["hello", "there"] :: [String] [
Try to understand these type annotations; it will be useful later on.
TODO Tuples?
Now that you know how to create, define, write, read, and understand the basic types, you're ready to get your hands dirty and do something with them.
Possibly the thing numbers are most useful for. All (almost) of the
arithmetic operations you're already familiar with from mathematics are
available, and most basic with familiar names too: +
, -
, /
. Precedence is also the
most common in mathematics: *
and /
precedence over +
and -
; but otherwise,
operations are applied from left to right. Nonetheless, it's possible to
force operation precedence and clarify ambiguities with parentheses
1 + 1 :: Int
21 * 2 :: Int
66 / 3 :: Float -- Int doesn't work; why?
2 * 2 - 3 :: Int
2 * (2 - 3) :: Int
2 * 2) - 3 :: Int (
All of the examples above work as well if you specify
as their type. [@lst:numbers]
The most basic logical operators from mathematics are also available:
not (¬, not
and (∧,
), or (∨, ||
). The order of precedence,
from the most precedent to the least one is not
, ||
True || False :: Bool
not False :: Bool
True && True :: Bool
A note on implementation details: computers are at essence sequential
machines, and therefore cannot compute the value of two expressions
simultaneously (a bit of a stretch here). And most programming languages
evaluate arithmetic and logical expressions from left to right. Because
of this, and for performance reasons, apart from not
is unary, logical operators are short circuiting – this is just
a fancy way of saying that it'll try to do the least amount of work to
get to the resulting value. This short circuiting is possible
in these two cases:
False && B
, which evaluates to
True || B
, which evaluates to True
It may sound like a small detail, but it's actually an important one. And depending on the language, the operands' order may actually change the program's behavior!
In Haskell, to index a list (consequently strings too) you use the
function – indexes start at 0:
0, 1, 2, 3] !! 2 :: Int
["hello" !! 4 :: Char
0, 1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6, 7], [8, 9, 10, 11]] !! 1 !! 1 :: Int [[
Lists are defined as either being empty ([]
), or having
a head and a tail, where the head is an
element of the list, and the tail is the rest of the list. So,
in order to destruct (i.e., separate) a list in its components, you use
the creatively named functions head
head [0, 1, 2, 3] :: Int
tail [0, 1, 2, 3] :: [Int]
head "hello" :: Char
tail "hello" :: String -- [Char]
head (tail [0, 1, 2, 3]) :: Int
tail (tail [0, 1, 2, 3]) :: [Int]
Given that we can destruct a list into both its components, we should also be able to construct a list given its components – and that's what we'll learn now. You can construct a list with its so-called constructors. As mentioned above, a list can be the empty list, or a head and a tail put together. So we need a way to create an empty list, and a way to create a list from its head and its tail.
The empty list is easy, because it is itself – []
is the
empty list, there's no need to complicate.
And to put a head and a tail together to form a new
list you can use the cons operator (:)
:: String
[]:) 1 [] :: [Int]
(1:[] :: [Int]
1:(2:(3:[])) :: [Int]
1:2:3:[] :: [Int]
:[] :: [[String]] []
What you saw above with (:)
is an important Haskell
convention to keep in mind. A function (or operator) that's
defined/called as (fun)
(notice the parentheses) is an
infix operator, i.e., it's placed in between the operands when
used; while usually, for example with head
, functions are prefix, i.e., they're placed
before the operands when used. The most common examples of
infix operators are the arithmetic operators ((+)
, etc). To turn an infix operator into a
prefix operator, all you have to do is surround the operator
with parentheses. So, (+) 1 2
is the same as
1 + 2
There's also a convention to turn prefix operators into
infix operators, which is to surround the operator with
backticks (`
) – we don't have an example yet, but it goes
like this: op arg1 arg2
is equivalent to
arg1 `op` arg2
. Later on we'll get to see examples of
The operation that takes two sequences of the same type and "glues" them together is called concatenation.
0, 1] ++ [2, 3] :: [Int]
[++) [0, 1] [2, 3] :: [Int]
("hello" ++ " " ++ "world" :: String
TODO Interpolation?
Something else that's common in mathematics is comparing or equating things. For example, we can say that 2 < 3, that 2 + 2 = 4, that 3 ⋅ 3 > 3, that 1 + 1 ≠ 1, etc. When programming, being able to compare and equate things is also very useful. Table [-@tbl:cmpops] has the correspondence between the comparison in mathematical notation and Haskell.
Mathematics | Haskell |
< | < |
> | > |
≤ | <= |
≥ | >= |
= | == |
≠ | /= |
The reason to use ==
instead of =
equality will be clear next.
Let's start now defining our own functions. A very high-level and
hand-wavy way to explain is: you translate f(x) = expr
into Haskell as f x = expr
. So, for example, to define the
identity function, identity(x) = x,
in Haskell, you write identity x = x
. For multivariable
functions, you just need to add the parentheses in Haskell: f(x,y) = x ⋅ y
translates to f (x, y) = x * y
; f(x,y) = (y,x)
translates to f (x, y) = (y, x)
; f(x) = (x,x)
translates to f x = (x, x)
; etc.
Define a function in Haskell that given an Int
it [@lst:intdouble], the equivalent of f(x) = x ⋅ x.
How would you define a function that given a Float
doubles it [@lst:floatdouble]?
Define a function in Haskell that given an Int
it [@lst:intsquare].
How would you define a function that given a Float
squares it [@lst:floatsquare]?
Like in mathematics (calculus), it's possible to compose functions to define a new function. The notation is similar, and so are the semantics: (f∘g)(x) is the same as f(g(x)). And in Haskell:
-- What if we want Float?
double_square :: Int -> Int
-- double_square x = double (square x)
= double . square double_square
As subtly implied at the beginning of this section, in the case of multivariable functions, composition also just works, as long as the types match.
= (x, x + 1)
h x = (x * 3, y * 2, x + y)
g (x, y) = x * y + z
f (x, y, z) = f . g . h
-- Define k by expanding the definitions of f, g, and h;
-- i.e., define k with a single expression.
= undefined
-- What happens if you change this expression to another
-- type of number?
10 :: Int k
Before (Pure) Predicates on Numbers for background.
This is going to be a packed section, with several important bits. Let's start with flow control.
It sometimes may happen that we need or want a function to do different things depending on some condition. Imagine we're defining the absolute function, i.e., the function that given a (signed) number always returns a positive number, that is the input number itself, or its symmetric:
$$ abs(x) = \begin{cases} -x & \text{if}\ x < 0 \\ x & \text{otherwise} \\ \end{cases} $$
In Haskell, the most basic statement we have for this is the
if then else
. We could translate the function above to
abs x = if x < 0
then -x
else x
-- Note that the line breaks aren't necessary; this is also OK:
abs x = if x < 0 then -x else x
This is already enough to get everything needing flow control done. However, with more clauses it quickly grows in size:
= if cond1
f (x, y, z) then expr1
else if cond2
then expr2
else if cond3
then expr3
else if cond4
then expr4
else expr5
This is hard to type, and when the expressions span several lines it gets hard to read and understand the code. To remediate this problem, we have guards:
-- Notice that there's no equal sign here!
f (x, y, z) | cond1 = expr1
| cond2 = expr2
| cond3 = expr3
| cond4 = expr4
| otherwise = expr5
The conditions are evaluated one by one, in the order defined; if a
condition evaluates to true, then the corresponding expression is
evaluated and its result is returned as the function's result; otherwise
the next condition is tried. This exactly like the
if then else
expressions above. Because of that, you should
consider the order of the conditions when using guards.
The otherwise
clause isn't necessary, but if all the
different conditions don't correspond to all the possible "states", that
is, if it's possible for all of the conditions to be false, then the
program will crash if there's no otherwise
Next we'll learn about a major Haskell feature, available on many functional programming languages, but not as much in imperative languages.
Pattern matching allows us to match values according to patterns. For example, if we were to define arithmetic operators, we should probably add one or more clauses to take care of 0 or 1, because they're usually "special".
$$ mul(x, y) = \begin{cases} 0 & \text{if}\ x = 0 \\ 0 & \text{if}\ y = 0 \\ y & \text{if}\ x = 1 \\ x & \text{if}\ y = 1 \\ \text{The common case...} & otherwise \\ \end{cases} $$
We can already define an equivalent function in Haskell using either
if then
or guards:
mul (x, y)| x == 0 = 0
| y == 0 = 0
| x == 1 = y
| y == 1 = x
-- `undefined` can be used to "make holes" when we don't
-- know how to, or don't want to define some expression.
| otherwise = undefined
And you might be able to guess that pattern matching (together with several function clauses) can be used to define this function even more succinctly:
= case (x, y) of
mul (x, y) 0, y) -> 0
(0) -> 0
(x, 1, y) -> y
(1) -> x
(x, -> undefined (x, y)
A function clause is analogous to a guard clause – each one will be tried in order, and the first one to "work" is chosen. Each of the clauses consists of a pattern, and when the function is called, the arguments are matched with the pattern. If they do match, then the corresponding expression is evaluated, and its result is returned as the function's result. Otherwise, the next pattern is tried. Also similarly to guards, if the arguments don't match any of the patterns, then an error is thrown.
One last tip on pattern matching: if you don't care about a
particular value, you can give it the pattern _
, which will
match anything, but won't be given a name. Thus, the first two
clauses of the mul
function could be rewritten like
= case (x, y) of
mul (x, y) 0, _) -> 0
(0) -> 0 (_,
Pattern matching isn't limited to numbers, however – you can pattern match on values of any type. And that's what you'll practice next.
Just one more thing before we move forward. Another Haskell syntax we
can use is function clauses. The "full" definition of
above can be rewritten like this:
0, _) = 0
mul (0) = 0
mul (_, 1, y) = y
mul (1) = x
mul (x, = undefined mul (x, y)
There's usually no good reason to use one over the other, as they are
equivalent. This latter definition is more idiomatic, but if
you prefer using case
, then case
is the way to
myNot :: Bool -> Bool
True = False
myNot False = True myNot
myAnd :: (Bool, Bool) -> Bool
True, True) = True
myAnd (= False myAnd (_, _)
myOr :: (Bool, Bool) -> Bool
False, False) = False
myOr (= True myOr (_, _)
myXor :: (Bool, Bool) -> Bool
True, False) = True
myXor (False, True) = True
myXor (= False myXor (_, _)
Haskell already has most of these operations defined. Here's the table:
Math | Haskell |
∧ | && |
∨ | || |
¬ | not |
Define the following boolean function, first using the
functions defined above, and then using the standard
Haskell boolean operators:
h : (Bool×Bool×Bool) → (Bool×Bool) h(a,b,c) = ((a∧b)⊕c,a∨b∨c)
h :: (Bool, Bool, Bool) -> (Bool, Bool)
= (myXor (myAnd (a, b)) c, myOr a (myOr b c))
h (a, b, c) = (myXor (a && b) c, a || b || c) h (a, b, c)
The functions div
, mod
, and
may be useful.
-- All of the following definitions are valid.
isEven :: Int -> Bool
= (a `mod` 2) == 0
isEven n
= (a `mod` 2) /= 1
isEven n
= case a `mod` 2 of
isEven n 0 -> True
1 -> False
= not isOdd n
isEven n
= not . isOdd
-- All of the following definitions are valid.
isOdd :: Int -> Bool
= (a `mod` 2) == 1
isOdd n
= (a `mod` 2) /= 0
isOdd n
= case a `mod` 2 of
isOdd n 0 -> False
1 -> True
= not isEven n
isOdd n
= not . isEven isOdd
The only pair of definitions that wouldn't work is that of the mutually recursive definitions, that is, the one where each function calls the other. More details about recursive functions will come next.
The functions div
, mod
, and
may be useful.
isMultiple :: Int -> Int -> Bool
= (a `mod` b) == 0
isMultiple a b
= case a `mod` b of
isMultiple a b 0 -> True
-> False _
isDigit '0' = True
isDigit '1' = True
isDigit '2' = True
isDigit '3' = True
isDigit '4' = True
isDigit '5' = True
isDigit '6' = True
isDigit '7' = True
isDigit '8' = True
isDigit '9' = True
isDigit _ = False
' ' = True
isWhitespace '\t' = True
isWhitespace '\v' = True
isWhitespace = False isWhitespace _
In short, recursive functions are functions that, directly or indirectly, call themselves. A popular one is that of the Fibonacci number:
fib : ℕ𝟘 → ℕ $$ fib(n) = \begin{cases} 1 & \text{if}\ n < 2 \\ fib(n-1) + fib(n-2) & \text{otherwise} \\ \end{cases} $$
The definition above translates to:
fib :: Int -> Int
fib n| n < 2 = 1
| otherwise = fib (n-1) + fib (n-2)
Here we're going to define isEven
and isOdd
in a mutually recursive manner, but neither will use the
function. Instead, we'll say that a number n is even if it 0, or if n − 1 is odd. Likewise, we'll say
that a number n is odd if it
is not 0, or if n − 1 is
isEven :: Int -> Bool
0 = True
isEven = isOdd (n-1)
isEven n
isOdd :: Int -> Bool
0 = False
isOdd = isEven (n-1) isOdd n
isMultiple :: Int -> Int -> Bool
isMultiple a b| a == b = True
| a > b = isMultiple (a - b) b
| a < b = False
Given two numbers a and b such that a < b, we'll define the following expressions: $\sum_{i=a}^b i$ and $\prod_{i=a}^b i$.
-- What happens if a > b?
sum a b
| a == b = a
| a < b = a + sum (a + 1) b
-- What happens if a > b?
prod a b| a == b = a
| a < b = a * prod (a + 1) b
Because of how the computers work, the definitions of
and prod
above are very inefficient, and
may even not work for a large enough b − a. That is because the
definitions above evolve into a recursive process; while
computers are iterative machines. To explain it better, let's
look at an example sum
call, and manually evaluate it.
sum 0 4
0 + sum 1 4
0 + (1 + sum 2 4)
0 + (1 + (2 + sum 3 4))
0 + (1 + (2 + (3 + sum 4 4)))
0 + (1 + (2 + (3 + 4)))
0 + (1 + (2 + 7))
0 + (1 + 9)
0 + 10
It's possible to do better, however. Let's look at the iterative definition, and then see the difference between the two by also manually evaluating it.
sum :: Int -> Int -> Int
sum a b = sumAux 0 a b
sum :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
sumAux ret a b| a == b = ret + a
| a < b = sumAux (ret + a) (a + 1) b
Here's the manual evaluation of sum 0 4
, according to
this new definition:
sum 0 4
0 0 4
sumAux ==
0 + 0) 1 4
sumAux (==
0 1 4
sumAux ==
0 + 1) 2 4
sumAux (==
1 2 4
sumAux ==
1 + 2) 3 4
sumAux (==
3 3 4
sumAux ==
3 + 3) 4 4
sumAux (==
6 4 4
sumAux ==
6 + 4
Notice that this function results in roughly the same number of steps, but it doesn't grow "to the right", in a triangle, as with the other definition. That is the big difference. If b − a = n, then the first definition would grow into a triangle of height n + 1, that is, it would evolve eventually into a bunch of "pending" operations. With the second definition, the number of "pending" operations can be considered constant.
This new definition has a couple more steps, but that can be improved, for example like this:
sum :: Int -> Int -> Int
sum a b
| a == b = a
| a < b = sumAux a (a + 1) b
sumAux :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
sumAux ret a b| a == b = ret + a
| a < b = sumAux (ret + a) (a + 1) b
Exercise: show that the two definitions are equivalent.
A similar iterative "conversion" can be applied to the Fibonacci function. It isn't as obvious, but here's the definition:
= fibAux 1 1 n
fib n
-- n1 corresponds to fib(n-1); and n2 correspends to fib(n-2)
0 = n2
fibAux n2 _ = fibAux n1 (n1 + n2) (s - 1) fibAux n2 n1 s
To try and explain by visualizing it, let's make a diagram. The
parentheses surround n2
and n1
(i.e., fib(n−2)
and fib(n−1)).
fib(n=2) = 2
(1 1) 2 3 5 8 13
fib(n=3) = 3
1 (1 2) 3 5 8 13
fib(n=4) = 5
1 1 (2 3) 5 8 13
fib(n=5) = 8
1 1 2 (3 5) 8 13
fib(n=6) = 13
1 1 2 3 (5 8) 13
Exercise: manually evaluate fib(n), according to the first mathematical definition and this new definition, for a small n (n < 5).
empty :: [a] -> Bool
= True
empty [] = False empty _
member :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Bool
= False
member _ [] :ys) = (x == y) || member x ys member x (y
length :: [a] -> Int
length [] = 0
length (_:xs) = 1 + length xs
This definition evolves into a recursive process, as we've seen before, but it's possible to turn it into one that evolves into an iterative process.
reverse [] = []
reverse (h:t) = reverse t ++ [h]
This definition too, evolves into a recursive process, but there's a better one evolving into an iterative process.
Compare different definitions with recursive and iterative processes.
= []
double [] :t) = (2 * h):(double t)
double (h
= []
add1 [] :t) = (h + 1):(add1 t) add1 (h
Notice that the two functions are essentially the same:
= []
func [] :t) = (f h):(func t) -- for some given f func (h
For double
, f
would be (*2)
and for add1
, (+1)
, product
, …sum :: [Int] -> Int
sum [] = 0
sum (h:t) = h + sum t
product :: [Int] -> Int
product [] = 1
product (h:t) = h * product t
Notice that here too, the two functions are essentially the same:
= ret -- for some given ret
func [] :t) = h `f` func t -- for some given f func (h
For sum
, ret
would be 0, and f
would be (+)
; and for product
would be 1, and f
would be
We saw in the previous chapter that some computations we want to compute are very similar. In this chapter we'll see that they can indeed be abstracted, that is, be made more general.
– double, add 1,
triple, …map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map _ [] = []
map f (h:t) = (f h):(map f t)
= map (*2)
= map (+1)
= map (*3) triple
– length,
reverse, has member?, …sum
, product
foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
foldr _ ret [] = ret
foldr f ret (h:t) = f h (foldr ret f t)
sum = foldr (+) 0
product = foldr (*) 1
foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
foldl _ ret [] = ret
foldl f ret (h:t) = foldl f (f ret h) t
sum = foldl (+) 0
product = foldl (*) 1
in terms of
On top of these, map
can also be written as a
map f = foldr (\x ret -> (f x) : ret) []
map f = foldl (\ret x -> (f x) : ret) []
How do these two definitions differ from each other? How do the
definitions for sum
and product
and foldl
differ from each other? How
does foldr
differ from foldl
? Is one better
than the other? Should one be preferred over the other?
double :: Int -> Int
= 2 * x double x
double :: Float -> Float
= 2 * x double x
= x * x square x
= x * x square x