- 2023-12-27 WILDER, Helena Geraldes, "Davina Falcão criou o Cobras de Portugal porque estava “demasiado frustrada com a maneira como as pessoas lidavam com as serpentes”"
- 2023-12-26 The Conversation, Samantha Mynhardt, "Golden mole that swims through sand is rediscovered in South Africa after 86 years"
- 2023-12-18 Conversas sobre aves
- 2023-12-05 Ecology
- 2023-12-05 Biology
- 2023-10-10 WILDER, Thomas White, "Organismos sem cérebro também podem aprender. Então, o que significa ser uma criatura pensadora?"
- 2023-10-10 The Conversation, Thomas White, "Organisms without brains can learn, too – so what does it mean to be a thinking creature?"
- 2023-10-10 The Conversation, Primrose Freestone, "I’m a microbiologist and here’s what (and where) I never eat"
- 2023-10-05 Botany
- 2023-09-27 WILDER, Helena Geraldes, "Joaquim Tapisso, de olho nos musaranhos, os mamíferos mais primitivos que existem"
- 2023-09-27 WILDER, Helena Geraldes, "Europa tem 2.138 espécies de abelhas selvagens, revela nova lista"
- 2023-09-27 WILDER, Helena Geraldes, "Esponjas marinhas revelam variedade de peixes que vivem no Atlântico norte e no Ártico"
- 2023-09-27 WILDER, Helena Geraldes, "Abelhas do tempo dos faraós encontradas mumificadas na Costa Sudoeste"
- 2023-09-27 WILDER, Carine Azevedo, "Como ter um jardim resiliente? Opte por um xerojardim"
- 2023-09-13 The Conversation, Audrey Mat, "Biological clocks: how does our body know that time goes by?"
- 2023-08-30 The Conversation, Lluís Montoliu, "Scientists find the last remnants of the human genome that were missing in the Y chromosome"
- 2023-08-29 WILDER, Helena Geraldes, "Cinco espectáculos da natureza para ver no final do Verão"
- 2023-08-29 The Conversation, Jenny Graves, "Did sex drive mammal evolution? How one species can become two"
- 2023-08-22 The Conversation, Pär Halje, "How consciousness may rely on brain cells acting collectively – new psychedelics research on rats"
- 2023-08-21 WILDER, Helena Geraldes, "Ratinho-ruivo aprende a identificar novos alimentos através do hálito de outros ratinhos"
- 2023-08-21 WILDER, Helena Geraldes, "Acordo que regula comércio mundial deixa de fora 904 espécies em risco, alertam cientistas"
- 2023-08-21 The Conversation, Laurie Mintz, "The orgasm gap and why women climax less than men"